I am a Life Coach, Energy Healer, and also an Infopreneur and I have had extensive training in internet marketing selling Ebooks through the Enlightened Wealth Institute. I have been studying the law of attraction for many years, and so I am very familiar with most of the gurus and experts on the topic. In addition, I lead an advanced law of attraction group two years ago because I wanted to assist others to use the law of attraction in their own lives. I have also written articles about the law of attraction and the movie “The Secret” for a Woman’s magazine.
As you may already know, “The Secret” was so popular that the teachers were being interviewed on radio and T.V.
On the Larry King Live show, there was a panel of experts on the law of attraction on the show. At one point, Larry King asked a tough question. He asked the panel of experts something like, if the law of attraction is true, how do you explain the bad things that happen to you in your life?
There was only one LOA expert brave enough to answer that question, and it was Dr. Joe Vitale. He said that he believed that we attract everything into our lives – the good and the bad. He basically said that it may be hard to accept that we also attract the bad things into our lives at first, but that once we understand that we create everything in our lives and take responsibility for it, then we can fully take responsibility for our lives and start to use the law of attraction to our advantage.
He explained it perfectly as to how I understand it. He explained it in more depth than this, but the point is that he was the only one who had the courage to tell it like it is. It was a risk, and he took it. I admire that characteristic in anyone who stands up for what they believe in. I understand now that Joe took a lot of flak for it, but one thing is for sure – this one moment in time set him apart from the others, and it inspired me to set a powerful intention that I meet him one day… I can distinctly remember saying those exact words just after hearing him on the Larry King Live show. One day I’m going to meet that guy!
And so, when the mastermind Phantom ride became available, I knew in my heart that the universe had lined things up for me – amazingly the money came to me literally days before the Phantom ride, and so I knew it was time. With some encouraging nudging from my wonderful girlfriend, I took the plunge and went for it.
I happened to have the privilege of having Mark Ryan along for the mastermind, and amongst the three of us, we talked about all of the issues and concerns and problems that I was having with my business, and resolved every single question I had.
What I can tell you is that you will more than likely save yourself the cost of the ride multiplied many, many times over because what Joe does is give you laser pointed answers to all of your questions. You will save yourself so much time and money, and also gain the clarity of what to do next. Joe and Mark gave me many new ideas to use, and also they were very encouraging to me with the ones that I currently have. It is one thing to come up with a money making idea, and yet another when someone like Joe tells you it’s a good one! The difference is that he will help give your ideas new life and direction, which is exactly what I wanted. Your confidence will soar when you meet with Joe.
What I love about Joe is that he is so down to earth – and such a genuinely nice, good person. His demeanor makes it seem like anyone can be wealthy and have it all, which is absolutely true. I have seen videos of him, and what I can say is that he is just like that in person. He will treat you like you’re his best friend, and that he’s there to support you and help you in any way that he can.
The Phantom ride was awesome (automatic suicide doors that close with the push of a button was very cool!), and the dinner was filling and delicious. When I first got into the Phantom, I noticed that Joe had a stack of cds, books and movies for me that he thought I’d like – after discussing my needs, he realized why he was moved to choose the ones he did and I felt like they were handpicked just for me, but we had never met, nor had any discussions prior! Just amazing...
It didn’t seem to matter what I asked, they always had a great answer. The time flew by, but there was still enough time to relax and talk about whatever we wanted. I was out of questions and just wanted to revel in the feeling of being around guys who are overflowing in abundance. Even the simple act of riding in the Phantom made me feel like owning one of them could be possible for me too. That’s law of attraction in action baby!
I highly recommend the Phantom ride to anyone who feels like this may be the natural next step. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I will remember for the rest of my
Thank you Joe!